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HRM 541 Organizational Behavior and Design
Campus NBS
Programs PG
Session Fall Semester 2016
Course Title Organizational Behavior and Design
Course Code HRM 541
Credit Hours 3
Course Objectives Effective management of human resources within organizations requires an understanding of various behavior and processes. Managers need to know why people behave as they do in relation to their jobs, their work groups and their organizations. This knowledge of individuals' perceptions, motivational attitudes and behavior enables managers to not only understand themselves better, but also to adopt appropriate managerial policies and leadership styles to increase their effectiveness.
Detail Content The focus of instruction will move progressively through the individual, group and organizational levels of behavior and will examine the interrelationships of behavioral phenomena among these levels. Additionally, concepts such as motivation, communication and leadership and their relevance to organizational behavior will be examined in detail.
Text/Ref Books
Time Schedule Fall Semester 2014
Faculty/Resource Person To be finalized