National University of Sciences and Technology
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Campus SCEE (IESE)
Programs PG
Session Fall Semester 2016
Course Code ENS-820
Credit Hours 3+0
Course Objectives Objectives:   To introduce the students to the advanced concepts of chemistry with particular reference to the origin of environmental problems, their monitoring and solution.

Outcome:   The student would become knowledgeable in applying chemical principles to estimate the damage that could be caused to the environmental by a particular pollutant; familiarity with the techniques of monitoring such pollutants would be gained and short and long term remedial measures that would be required to deal with the situation would become known.
Detail Content Material cycling in the environment; Micro and macronutrients, Cycling of water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, Cycling and balance of nature. Pollution; Definition, Types of pollutants, Origin, transport, reactions and effects of chemicals in water, air, soil, and biotic environment, fate of pollutants in an ecosystem, treatment methods for pollutants. Instrumental methods of environmental analysis; Principles of sampling, Sampling techniques for chemical analysis of air, water, soil and food, Principles of filtration, titration, distillation, paper chromatography, gas chromatography etc., Absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy, Determination of NEQS parameters, Lake Water quality, eutrophication of lakes and water and waste water characteristics, chemical coagulation, disinfections of water, smog formation and acid rain, greenhouse effect, pollution of the sea and water desalinization. Soil Biological Activity and Soil Conservation. Chemistry and dynamics of pollutants in the environment; effects of pollutants: synergistic effects, antagonistic effects, and additive effects on biotic and abiotic components of environment. Detail analysis of agrochemicals in relation to natural runoff persistence in the environment. Pollution prevention decision-making using life cycle analysis (LCA).Industrial ecology, ecology of polluted water.
Text/Ref Books
  1. Manahan, S E, 2000. Environmental Chemistry, Lews Publishers London.
  2. Sawyar, C D, 1999. Chemistry for Environmental Engineers
Time Schedule Fall Semester 2015
Faculty/Resource Person 1. Dr. Ishtiaq A. Qazi
PhD ((University of Aston in Birmingham) UK
Discipline: Environmental Chemistry