National University of Sciences and Technology
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Campus SCEE (IESE)
Programs PG
Session Spring Semester 2017
Course Code ENE-802
Credit Hours 3+0
Course Objectives Course Objectives:
  • To understand the processes involved in environmental management.
  • To learn the basic concepts of IEE/EIA, Environmental audit and risk management
Course Outcomes:
After attending this course, students are expected to be able to conduct IEE/EIA independently or serve as an active member of an EIA Team. In addition, students shall be able to conduct Cleaner Production/Environmental Audits.
Detail Content
  1. Environment and Environmental Issues,
  2. Country Profile
  3. Concepts of Sustainable Development. 
  4. Basic Environmental Economics. 
  5. Environmental Organizations,
  6. Environmental Legislations NEQs, Pollution  Charges.  
  7. Cleaner Production: Principles, phases, Plans and Team Development, implementation of a CP Program
  8. Components   for   Environmental   Assessment;
  9. Screening, Scoping, Baseline Study,
  10. Mitigation, Monitoring,
  11. Environmental Impact Methodology.   
  12. Environmental Management Plan
  13. Environmental Impact Statements.  
  14. Ecological footprints (LCA)
  15. Environmental Auditing.
  16. Risk Analysis.
  17. EMS and ISO-14001
Text/Ref Books
  1. Environmental Impact Assessments by Canter McGraw Hill (latest edition)
  2. PEPA Guidelines by PEPA M.O.E. Government of Pakistan (latest edition)
  3. Environmental Management in Practice Vol. I, II, III by  Nathe- Etal.  1998 Rouledge  Publisher, London
  4. Environmental Sciences: Towards a Sustainable Future, Wright Boorse, 2011, 11th Ed. Pearson Education Inc. US
Time Schedule Spring Semester 2015
Faculty/Resource Person Dr. Zahiruddin Khan
PhD (Colorado State University) USA
Discipline: Environmental Engineering