National University of Sciences and Technology
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Campus SCEE (IESE)
Programs PG
Session Spring Semester 2017
Course Code ENS-822
Credit Hours 3+0
Course Objectives Objectives:
    Teach principles, procedures, methods and applications of EIA in order to ensure the efficient utilization of resources and avoid serious and irreversible damage to the environment.

    Create familiarity of how EIA is conducted and used as a tool in the project management decision making process, analyze and offer mitigation measures
Detail Content An overview of environmental impact assessment; selection of scientific, engineering, and socioeconomic factors in environmental impact assessment; identification of quantitative and qualitative environmental evaluation criteria; application of traditional and other techniques for assessing impacts of predicted changes in environmental quality; approaches for identifying, measuring, predicting, and mitigating environmental impacts; modeling techniques employed in environmental impact assessment; environmental standards and the environmental impact assessment process; and methodologies for incorporating environmental impact assessment into management decision making. Students learn to prepare an environmental impact assessment, review and critically analyze an environmental impact statement, use mathematical models for environmental impact prediction, and apply environmental impact assessment as a tool in management decision making. Case studies of environmental impact assessment for several types of engineering/Science projects are employed.
Text/Ref Books
  1. Environmental Impact Assessment (A Comparative Review).Wood, C., Longman Scientific and Technical. Longman House. Burnt Hill, Harlow Essex.UK. 1995.
  2. Public involvement in environmental assessment: requirements, opportunities and issues, World Bank, Environmental Assessment Sourcebook Update,  Environment Department, WB, Washington, DC. 1993.
  3. Environmental and Social Impact assessment. Ed. Vanclay, F & Bronstein, D.A. John Wiley & Sons. Chichester, England. 1995.
Further Readings:
  1. Sectoral Guidelines of Environmental Impact Assessment, Ministry of Environment, Government of Pakistan
Time Schedule Spring Semester 2015
Faculty/Resource Person Dr. Zahiruddin Khan
PhD (Colorado State University) USA
Discipline: Environmental Engineering