National University of Sciences and Technology
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SE -803 Computer Vision
Campus MCS
Programs PG
Session Fall Semester 2016
Course Title Computer Vision
Course Code SE -803
Credit Hours 3+0
Pre-Requisutes Pre Requisites: MATH 222 Linear Algebra MATH Probability & Statistics
Course Objectives This course encompasses the theory and practical applications of computer vision including image processing (useful in early stages of computer vision usually to enhance particular information and suppress noise) and visual cognition (computational models of human vision). The objective of this course is to present an insight into the world of computer vision that goes beyond image processing algorithms. Students will acquire knowledge and an understanding of artificial vision from a system’s viewpoint. Various aspects will be examined and the main approaches currently available in the literature will be discussed, opening the door to the most important research themes.
Detail Content


Introduction  CV and IP; applications ; images and imaging devices ; perspective projection ; binary image processing


Pattern Recognition Concepts; filtering and edge detection; color and shading , including 3D effects


Texture, IBM Veggie Vision, image database, motion, motion vectors, optical flow


Segmentation, 2D matching


3D perception; stereo and structured light; shape from shading, 3D sensing; 3D Transformations, Camera calibration


3D reconstruction, 3D Object modelling and matching


Augmented reality, review entire course

Text/Ref Books

Text Book:

1. Computer Vision by Linda Shapiro and George Stockman, Prentice- Hall 2001


1.   Computer Vision, D Ballard and C Brown, Prentice- Hall 1982

2. Computer Vision: a modern approach, Forsyth and Ponce, Prentice- Hall 2002

Time Schedule Fall Semester 2015
Faculty/Resource Person Respective TVF