National University of Sciences and Technology
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SE -850 Digital Image Processing
Campus MCS
Programs PG
Session Fall Semester 2016
Course Title Digital Image Processing
Course Code SE -850
Credit Hours 3+0
Pre-Requisutes MATH 222 Linear Algebra MATH 361 Probability & Statistics
Course Objectives The goal of the course is to provide a fundamental background on Digital Image Processing. After the completion of this course the student will have understood the basic concepts behind the processing of digital images as well as used various techniques of filtering/processing images. The course serves as the basis for more advance topics in Computer Vision, such as Object Recognition, Scene Interpretation, among others.
Detail Content


Digital Image Fundamentals: Image acquisition, representation of gray-scale and color images, human visual perception, imaging geometry, image transforms.


Image Enhancement: Point processing methods, spatial filtering, frequency domain methods, pseudo-color and full-color processing.


Image Restoration: Degradation models, algebraic restoration techniques, spatial domain methods.


Multi-resolution Processing: Image pyramids, multi-resolution expansions, wavelet transforms.


Image Compression: Fundamentals of data compression and coding concepts, pixel coding, transform coding and hybrid methods, video compression, image and video coding standards.


Image Segmentation: Edge detection methods, thresholding, region-oriented segmentation.


Image Representation and Decommention: Representation schemes, boundary and regional decommentors, morphological techniques, relational decommentors.

Text/Ref Books


1.  Digital Image Processing by R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Addison Wesley, Second Ed., 2002.


1. Computer Vision by Linda Shapiro and George Stockman, Prentice- Hall 2001

2. Computer Vision: a modern approach, Forsyth and Ponce, Prentice- Hall 2002

Time Schedule Fall Semester 2015
Faculty/Resource Person A/P Dr Naveed Iqbal Rao
Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China
Discipline: Computer Science
Specialization: Computer Vision, DIP