National University of Sciences and Technology
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Campus C3A
Programs PG
Session Fall Semester 2016
Course Code CCE-804
Credit Hours 3
Pre-Requisutes CCE-804
Course Objectives
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the relationships between career development and learning.
  • To integrate and apply this knowledge and understanding in the design of career-related  learning in formal and informal contexts.
Detail Content
  • Student will be engaged in the activities to identify theories of career development and learning and will be able to outline a process of course design, Negotiation, assessment and evaluation for career-related activities.
  • Student will critically evaluate and interpret the knowledge listed above in developing a distinctive stance in relation to teaching and learning in this field.
  • They will also creatively apply and integrate the knowledge listed above in relation to the enhancement of career-related learning in a selected context.
Course Outcomes
  • Identify theories of career development and learning and outline a process of course design, negotiation, assessment and evaluation.
  • Critically evaluate and interpret the knowledge listed above in developing a distinctive stance in relation to teaching and learning in this field.
  • Creatively apply and integrate the knowledge listed above in relation to the enhancement of career-related learning in a selected context.
Text/Ref Books
  • McCash, P. (2011). Designing a Generic Career Studies Module: a Practical Example. Reading: Centre for Career Management Skills.
  • Illeris, K. (ed.) (2009). Contemporary Theories of Learning. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Jones, R.A., Clarkson, A., Congram, S. and Stratton, N. (2008).Education and Imagination: Post-Jungian Perspectives.Hove: Routledge.
  • Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Time Schedule
Faculty/Resource Person Assistant Professor – Dr Gulnaz Zahid (PhD)